Diarikos' Shop Of Alchemy

[Diarikos' Shop of Alchemy, Scroll Room]
This small section of the shop is crowded with dusty shelves from floor to ceiling. The dark woods show their age with wormholes, scratches and general wear and tear, though rolled up scrolls conceal this on some shelves. The rather dirty floors are decidedly in need of some repairs.

1. a golden scroll      (10 dinars)      Greater healing elixir.
2. a yellow scroll      (5 dinars)       Eyebright and sunflower poultice.
3. a sea-green scroll   (12 dinars)      Draught of sun-infused water.
4. a dark scroll        (65 dinars)      Elixir of Hades.
5. a black scroll       (24 dinars)      Elixir of Hermes.
7. a moss green scroll  (34 dinars)      Elixir of Athena.
6. a cerulean scroll    (29 dinars)      Elixir of Nike.
8. a crimson scroll     (53 dinars)      Elixir of Ares.
9. a brown scroll       (30 dinars)      Carrot-chickory poultice.

1. a charcoal grey scroll  (12 dinars) Bottled smoke of Obfuscates.
2. a dusty scroll          (20 dinars) Dust of Narcoleptis.
3. a red scroll            (4 dinars)  Mistletoe powder of Ch'in.
4. a light brown scroll    (25 dinars) Elm powder of Ch'in.
5. an aged scroll          (45 dinars) Oak powder of Ch'in.
6. a mottled scroll        (85 dinars) Witchwood powder of Ch'in.
7. a silvery scroll        (4 dinars)  Serum of sight.
8. a blood-streaked scroll (72 dinars) Ancestor Spirits Brew
9. a streaked magenta-edged scroll (78 dinars) Warlord Spirits Brew

1. a streaked silver-edged scroll (84 dinars) Air Spirits Brew
2. a stained green papyrus scroll (12 dinars) Tiny wand formula
3. a sticky yellow papyrus scroll (15 dinars) Wand feeding potion

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