
Some old character portraits can be located at White Amazon, even though it's not updated any longer, so make sure you check that out as well! You can also find some portraits at Scheherazade's Old Site. Remember, all works are copywrited and require explicit permission by the artists to use!

Artwork commissioned from Eldanis: (by date)
Holyph - Pencil
Scheherazade - Pencil
Fostismeras - CG
Ryven - Copic (Markers)
Leanna - Copic (Markers)
Gaidren - Copic (Markers)
Bacchus - CG
Hauk - Pencilled, Inked, and given a slight CG flair.

Commission information for Eldanis:
Eldanis's full gallery of work can be found at: so stop by and give it a look! Pencil works are the cheapest, but copics are also fairly low in price. Her CG takes quite a while and is on the more pricier side, but in many cases prices are up to the artists depending on the complexity of the work you want done. Eldanis played AOH for a bit under that character name, so we hold a bit of a soft place in her heart. You can send her a note on her Deviantart page to find out commission information if you wish one for your own character!

Artwork commissioned from ZaidaCrescent:
Drakontas' Dragons - CG, Watermarked to prevent stealing by ZaidaCrescent

Commission information for ZaidaCrescent:
Her full gallery can be found at: so you can see the sorts of style and things she specializes in. As of this writing, she has commission spots open and is very pleasant to work with. Her commission information is here and you can send her a note for more personalized information if you would like a piece done by her.

If you have a link to artwork related to Alliance of Heroes, go ahead and add it. Please also add whether the artists wish to draw other characters as well or not and contact information so that other players can know how to reach them.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License