Mental Magic

(2001) Acts of Faith - May faith in the gods bring quiet to your mind and peace to your heart. The ritual of Acts of Faith brings you the ability to direct the power of your faith upon another, causing a more peaceful demeanor within their being and thus becoming much less likely to take hostile actions against others.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(2002) - Currently does not exist.

(2003) Fleeting Image - Sometimes, just a glimpse of a god is enough to save your life. The ritual of Fleeting Image calls forth a vision of your chosen god, which serves to momentarily distract the attention of a foe.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a blue candle.

(2004) Grace of The Swift - Speed and grace are often the best defenses one has against an opponent. This ritual will increase your Dodging and Acrobatics skills for a duration, if you are worthy.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(2005) Babylon's Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if they do unto you in a way you don't like, force them to do it upon themselves. The ritual of Babylon's Golden Rule causes the target to attack itself.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an edible fish or sardine to your deity.

(2006) Lost Passions - In the midst of battle, they seemed to lose the ardor of their souls. The ritual of Lost Passion grants the power to weaken the spirit of a foe, making them less dangerous offensively.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Snuff a red candle. Meditate.

(2007) Tears of Joy - What power hath joy to cause such emotional whiplash? The ritual of Tears of Joy grants you the ability of cause such joy in a foe that they break out into tears.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a blue candle. Light a white candle.

(2008) Thought Vision - With mind and body split, how does one define here or there? The ritual of Thought Vision allows the caster to catch a fleeting glimpse of a remembered location, or person who is elsewhere.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a healthy carrot to your deity. Gaze at your surroundings while hidden.

(2009) Eye of the Hummingbird - Precision of motion can only be acquired with speed of mind. The ritual of Eye of the Hummingbird speeds up the target's thoughts to process visual stimuli more quickly, thereby granting him or her greater coordination.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Blessing a hummingbird's feather. Wave that feather around. Offer the feather to your deity.

(2010) Thought Punch - Why bother your hands with a task your mind can do on its own? The ritual of Thought Punch creates an illusion which you can direct upon a foe, making them feel a physical strike that can inflict real damage and often times causing them to lose their balance.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a sloth bear claw to your god.

(2011) Concept Overload - She's taken all she can captain, she cannae take much more! The ritual of Concept Overload causes the target's mind to be so totally consumed by thoughts and ideas that it simply refuses to take any more, causing the target to just stand there slackjawed.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Chant a profound poem about your deity, life, and yourself. Meditate.

(2012) Stroke of Fear - Fear is the one true enemy, but never forget an enemy can also be an ally. The ritual of Stroke of Fear grants you the ability to cause unnatural fear in a foe.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate. Scream as if afraid.

(2013) Owl's Wisdom - To think of thoughts heretofore unthunk … who woulda thought it? The ritual of Owl's Wisdom calls upon the gods to increase your innate intellectual abilities for a short time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Raise an owl's feather. Bless that feather. Offer the feather to your deity.

(2014) Athena's Blessing - May Athena's blessing fall upon those you wish to heal. The ritual of Athena's Blessing brings the Goddess' power of healing to bear, sacrificing your health for that of another mortal's.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless an unblessed owl feather while injured. Offer the blessed owl feather.

(2015) Hurling Id - Sometimes what can't be reached and grasped by the hand may be touched by the mind. The ritual of The Hurling Id allows an object to be thrown at a target through the powers of telekinesis.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Perform at least four of the following acts -
Babble at yourself. Cross your eyes. Cackle at yourself. Twirl your finger in a circle at the side of your head. Twitch your eye. Snicker to yourself.

(2016) Blinking Visage - "There's more than one way to skin a cat," so the saying goes. There is also more than one way to hide one's self as well, if one but knows. The ritual of Blinking Visage causes the target's form to rapidly fade in and out of visibility.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a white candle. Snuff a white candle.

(2017) Kiss of Morpheus - All living things need sleep — sometimes you just want to help the process along. The ritual of Kiss of Morpheus puts a living being to sleep and tries to keep it that way.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Yawn. Bless some unblessed, white sand. Offer some blessed, white sand to your deity.

(2018) Power Prayer Session -Look beyond the eyes, for they are not the only givers of vision. The ritual of Probing Sight allows you to look upon the contents of closed containers that would otherwise be hidden from the naked eye.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Take one or two bites from a healthy carrot. Offer the remaining part of the carrot to your deity.

(2019) Hypnos' Curse - While Hypnos may rule the realm of sleep, sometimes his domain may be thwarted for a short duration. The ritual of Hypnos' curse will help keep you awake in those trying times!
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Yawn. Bless some unblessed, white sand. Offer some blessed, white sand to your deity.

(2020) Psychic Shock - A mental jolt to the nervous system can be just the thing to whip those stubborn enemies into line. The ritual of Phsychic Shock causes direct mental damage to the target.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Cut yourself and scream. Let terror strike your heart and panic.

(2021) Thought Healing - The mind is a powerful thing, and a clever person can use it to their advantage. The ritual of Thought Healing will increase the rate of which your body heals, useful for when meeting Hades himself looks imminent.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of high value. Offer a handmade bandage.

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