Olympian Dianthe Taverna

[Olympian Dianthe Taverna]
Flowering ivy snakes around the white marble columns which support the taverna's vaulted ceiling. A thick floral rug lies in the center of the room, softening the black marble floor for both the feet and the eyes. An elegantly scripted menu hangs on the wall behind the taverna's long, gold-topped counter. There are stools and tables near the counter, as well as a private table in the far corner. In the wall opposite the entry are glass doors, which lead to more seating on the taverna's back patio. You also see a waiter.

     Welcome to Olympian Dianthe Taverna!

     ##    Dinars    Item
      1         5    some olive and tomato salad
      2         5    some spicy tomato soup
      3         6    some orzo and herb pilaf
      4         7    some stuffed grape leaves
      5         9    some marinated olive and lemon smelt
      6        10    some pickled hare
      7        13    a leg of rosemary lamb
      8         4    a bowl of fresh apricots
      9         1    a glass of clear rain water
     10         4    a cool mug of raspberry ale
     11         5    a goblet of spicy trima wine
     12         6    a cup of hot jasmine tea
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