Salik's Priestly Goods

[Salik's Priestly Goods]
The interior of the shop is pristine and painted white. Smells from the street, delicious cooking and sweet flower scents, waft through the open door.

1   a khopesh symbol                                  Price 5         
2   a djed pillar symbol                              Price 5         
3   an ankh symbol                                    Price 5         
4   an eye symbol                                     Price 5         
5   a red knot symbol                                 Price 5         
6   a was-scepter symbol                              Price 5         
7   a crossed arrow symbol                            Price 5         
8   a throne symbol                                   Price 5         
9   a cow symbol                                      Price 5         
10  a flagellum symbol                                Price 5         
11  a flail symbol                                    Price 5         
12  a crook symbol                                    Price 5         
13  a candle                                          Price 2         

14  an obsidian spear symbol                          Price 20

The candle may be customized with a color.
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