Vaftel Finds A Star

Obvious paths: north, west.

[Wildflower Field]
A narrow baked brick path winds lazily through a fragrant field of pastel-colored wildflowers. Sprigs of grass push between the crumbled mortar of the path, giving it a somewhat overgrown appearance. It looks as if the whole area was once a cultivated garden spot, now abandoned to the care of the sun and weather. A spiked iron gate breaches the wall surrounding Athens to the west.
Obvious paths: north, east.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
The spiked iron posts along the top of Hippades Gate are intertwined with decorative metalwork patterned after a long and leafy grapevine. As if planted to match, a field of grapevines flourishes across the road behind a low-lying stone wall.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
A wall to the west of the road has been raised in a gradual step pattern until it reaches well above the height of a small giant. Paired with the massive city wall to the east, the two structures turn this portion of Apeiros Circle into something like a wide, roofless hallway. To the south can be seen the spiked length of Hippades Gate.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
High walls on either side of Apeiros Circle create a sense of enclosure along this part of the road. To the north can be seen the wooden framework of a guard tower.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
A guard tower overlooks both the interior and the exterior of this eastern end of Athens. A wide semi-circular pattern has been marked out around the base of the tower, no doubt formed by wagons and other travelers skirting the edge of the structure as they proceeded down the road.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You can't do that.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
This road girds the town along the inner side of the east wall. To the north are two high posts from which hang the panels of Diochares Gate.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Diochares Gate]
Bronze serpents twine their way around the cross-hatched iron bars which form the structure of Diochares Gate. Frozen in a posture of writhing aggression, their open-fanged mouths are turned towards all who approach the city. Splitting the path of traffic through the gate is a wide basin which holds a statue of the infant Hercules poised in mortal combat with a large snake. The clear pool in the basin is fed by a fountain of water spouted from the mouth of the stone reptile.
Also here: Kraaze who is sitting.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Whitewashed and gleaming limestone walls tower over the head of a giant in the crowd, who stands half again as high as the tallest human in sight. With a casual, careful stride or three, he quickly passes out of sight.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
The activity along the road seems to be picking up as you near its easternmost point. At their posts along the roadway and atop the ever-present fortification of the town wall, guards scan the crowd below but most particularly to the south. Only a few in the crowds passing through seem bothered by this scrutiny. Most ignore it.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
A wooden ladder scales the heights of the town wall, easily removed if need be. With armed guards casually walking along the top of the wall, its purpose is evident. Sitting with his back against the wall, a young centaur is carefully polishing his bow, testing its bend and its strings for battle readiness.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

You can't do that.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Graceful marble arches, standing half the height of the town wall yet able to pass a giant with ease, guard the entrance of a wide avenue that empties into this perimeter road. The arches' polished surfaces gleam softly in the bright sunlight, gathering a crowd of philosophers to loiter at their feet. Though more often thoughtful, sometimes heated debates on the mysteries of the world around you fills the air as they seek answers to questions sometimes best left to the gods.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.

You notice nothing unusual about the marble arch.

[Athens, Empeirikos Avenue]
The wide roadway ends (or begins) to the southeast, marked by a graceful marble arch. Standing in its shadows, a wisdom-monger offers his services to an elderly gentleman, whose grandson sits at his knee. His grandson appears only moderately interested, instead investigating the rocks and pebbles at the edge of a road which heads southwest. You also see an olive branch.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Graceful marble arches, standing half the height of the town wall yet able to pass a giant with ease, guard the entrance of a wide avenue that empties into this perimeter road. The arches' polished surfaces gleam softly in the bright sunlight, gathering a crowd of philosophers to loiter at their feet. Though more often thoughtful, sometimes heated debates on the mysteries of the world around you fills the air as they seek answers to questions sometimes best left to the gods.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.

I could not find what you were referring to.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Humming a cheerful song, a young mother, her child at her heels, hurries along the road in search of water, if the empty water jug she carries is any indication of her errand. Smiling, she pauses as her son stops to pick a rose from one of the many bushes seemingly growing wild along the roadway. Wincing when he pricks his finger on a thorn, she hugs him close as he bravely ignores his pain to present it to her. Unaware of their audience, they quickly move on their way.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Seemingly lost in the crowds that ebb and flow around him, an older man mumbles as he walks along, oblivious to the curious glances of passersby. As he passes near, his mumbling seems to take the form of chants and invocations of a most curious nature. Oddly, he is not threatening, but somehow soothing as he passes out of sight.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Several large shops huddle together along the roadway, the goods displayed of high quality. One in particular prominently displays a rack of colorfully dyed linen chitons and chlamys near its front door. A middle-aged shopkeeper discusses the finer points of the garments on display with a small group of women, his hands gesturing wildly as he attempts to make a sale. Between his shop and the next, a small alley leads into the city proper. You also see Feena's Fashion Emporium.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.

You peer into a small alley and see…

[Athens, Empeirikos Avenue]
Although crowds constantly come and go on this street, most travel at a relaxed pace. Even the most hurried of the townsfolk do not seem rushed. Perhaps the aroma of fresh baked breads and pies that fills the air is responsible for this phenomenon. You also see an olive branch, an eagle feather and a small alley disappearing between the buildings.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Traffic along this section of the roadway is heavy, with travelers afoot carefully threading their way among the horse-drawn carts and mules that crowd the roadway. Most of the citizens along the road are well-dressed and appear to be quite affluent, which mirrors the general condition of the roadway and the wall. You also see a lapis-inlaid black marble building.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
The roadway is now running nearly due north and south, with just a gentle curve from southeast to northwest. Lush green hedges flank a small street that bears off to the west. Two statues stand guard at each corner, their bases long ago covered in moss so that they appear to be standing on their own feet.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west.

I could not find what you were referring to.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
The wall and roadway curve gently from northwest to southeast, corralling travelers to their destinations. A thick hedge, high enough to block the sight of all but the tallest of men, bounds the southeastern edge of the roadway.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

I could not find what you were referring to.

You can't go there.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Standing opposite the town wall, a large field runs parallel to the roadway. A broad band of wildflowers separates it from the road.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[Usage: PEER (direction|player|creature|object)]

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
A narrow alley interrupts the neat rows of housing along the road. Faint cheers and jeers echo off the walls of the two buildings that flank the alley and spill into the main roadway. Unconcerned with the nearby pandemonium, a puppy chases butterflies that grace the small gardens that line the road.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You notice nothing unusual about the narrow alley.

You peer through a narrow alley and see…

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
A bend in the road reveals a large field swarming with activity to the southeast, and bustling streets to the west. You also see a narrow alley.
Obvious paths: west.

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
A bend in the road reveals a large field swarming with activity to the southeast, and bustling streets to the west. You also see a narrow alley.
Obvious paths: west.

You peer west and see …

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
Lining the roadway, modest yet well-built homes intermingle with shops, parading their colorful yet plain facades to passersby. Townsfolk browse the shops, passing the time of day with their neighbors. Corralling his charges as does a shepherd his sheep, a pedagogue wends his way through the crowds, disappearing down the road to the east.
Obvious paths: east, west.

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
Lining the roadway, modest yet well-built homes intermingle with shops, parading their colorful yet plain facades to passersby. Townsfolk browse the shops, passing the time of day with their neighbors. Corralling his charges as does a shepherd his sheep, a pedagogue wends his way through the crowds, disappearing down the road to the east.
Obvious paths: east, west.

[Athens, Empeirikos Avenue]
Stately buildings rise to either side of the roadway. One in particular catches your eye, its marble columns and courtyard gleaming in the bright sunlight. Its neighbors, although smaller, are no less magnificent in their construction.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, northwest.

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
Lining the roadway, modest yet well-built homes intermingle with shops, parading their colorful yet plain facades to passersby. Townsfolk browse the shops, passing the time of day with their neighbors. Corralling his charges as does a shepherd his sheep, a pedagogue wends his way through the crowds, disappearing down the road to the east.
Obvious paths: east, west.

[Athens, Akademos Avenue]
A bend in the road reveals a large field swarming with activity to the southeast, and bustling streets to the west. You also see a narrow alley.
Obvious paths: west.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
A narrow alley interrupts the neat rows of housing along the road. Faint cheers and jeers echo off the walls of the two buildings that flank the alley and spill into the main roadway. Unconcerned with the nearby pandemonium, a puppy chases butterflies that grace the small gardens that line the road.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Tidy shops and homes, modest in size but obviously well cared for, line the edge of the street. Painted in a variety of bright colors ranging from blue to red to yellow and all combinations in between, they contrast the clean white of the town wall that protects them. A young woman standing in front of one of the buildings chats amiably with her neighbor, waving at acquaintances as they pass by.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[Athens, Apeiros Circle]
Lined with laurel trees, a wide road branches to the southeast towards the center of the city. A series of tiles, inlaid in the limestone wall, form a large circular pattern that stands as high as a man does. Most folks seem to pass it by without a glance, but a few people stop to study it carefully before moving on their way. You also see a laurel tree.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west, northwest.

You notice nothing unusual about the laurel tree.

There is nothing inside the laurel tree.

[Treetop Perch]
The tree's leaves all but obscure the view down to the ground, but your perch allows you to see the top of the wall clearly. One of the branches extends from the tree towards the wall, not quite bridging the gap between the two.
Obvious paths: down.

You will have to climb that.

[Laurel Branch]
The branch doesn't look as sturdy as it did from far away and even though its tip extends toward the wall, it doesn't quite make it all the way there. The top of the wall is flat, and large enough for a guard to walk comfortably about as he takes in the view.
Obvious paths: none.

It is too far to reach that from here. But with a bit of luck, you might be able to jump for it.

You step forward to leap toward the wall, slip, and fall down hard onto the branch. By sheer luck you manage to grab the branch and hang on until it stops swaying.

You stand up.

You step forward toward the wall, preparing to jump, but the branch dips low beneath your weight and you pause to reconsider.

You leap wildly toward the wall…

By sheer good fortune, you make it!

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
The streets below are like mazes filled with constant motion — it's difficult to take one's eyes from the spectacle below. A laurel tree extends a branch towards this spot on the wall, but doesn't quite bridge the gap.
Obvious paths: northwest.

You feel much better.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
The wall snakes its way around the perimeter of the city, and occasionally a silhouette of a guard can be seen in the distance. On the ground below, a small garden brims with herbs and flowers — the scent of mint is foremost in the air.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Obvious paths: southeast.

You notice a wide crack at the base of the buttress. Numerous gouge marks around the crack suggests that it was deliberately chiseled into the soft limestone. Bits and chips of limestone are scattered around the edges of the crack.

You can't do that.

You can't do that.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
You don't find anything of interest here.

You notice nothing unusual about the crack.

Inside the crack you see a shimmering gold star.

You must remove the silvery starflower.

You'll have to get down a bit closer than that.

You kneel down upon the ground.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

The star is pressed too close to the edge of the crack for you to fit your fingers inside.

I don't understand what you typed.

You pull at your starflower.

I could not find what you were referring to.

I could not find what you were referring to.

I could not find what you were referring to.

You notice nothing unusual about the silvery starflower.

You remove your silvery starflower.

You put the silvery starflower in your leather backpack.

You close your leather backpack.

A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Obvious paths: southeast.

I could not find what you were referring to.

Inside the crack you see a shimmering gold star.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

The star is pressed too close to the edge of the crack for you to fit your fingers inside.

You idly pick at a shimmering gold star.

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You manage to pinch the tip of the star between your finger and thumb, but it is so deep in the crack you are unable to get a really firm grip on it.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You stick your fingers into the crack…

The star is pressed too close to the edge of the crack for you to fit your fingers inside.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You stick your fingers into the crack…

The star is pressed too close to the edge of the crack for you to fit your fingers inside.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

I could not find what you were referring to.

I could not find what you were referring to.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but one of its points seems to be turned beneath a rough projection near the bottom of the crack.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You didn't mention what you want to pick the lock with.

You didn't mention what you want to pick the lock with.

You idly pick at a shimmering gold star.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but one of its points seems to be turned beneath a rough projection near the bottom of the crack.

I could not find what you were referring to.

Inside the crack you see a shimmering gold star.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You can only raise things that you are holding.

You poke a shimmering gold star.

You touch a shimmering gold star.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but one of its points seems to be turned beneath a rough projection near the bottom of the crack.

You pull at the star, jamming its points more tightly against several rough projectiles down inside the crack.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

Brave Adventurers Questing:
(-NewUser-) Willow Pandrogas Redonia
Kayn Agrimony Sunder Tobin
Hollowell Vaage Desmondo Supa
Angelia Iardanus Mox Kraaze
Garrock Invictus Tirith Sabin
Active Players: 21

Staff on duty:

I don't understand what you typed.

You pull at the star, jamming its points more tightly against several rough projectiles down inside the crack.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

I don't understand what you typed.

You can't reach that from here.

Hold hands with whom?

Inside the crack you see a shimmering gold star.

Inside the crack you see a shimmering gold star.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

I could not find what you were referring to.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but one of its points seems to be turned beneath a rough projection near the bottom of the crack.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but its points are twisted at an angle to the crack, preventing it from fitting through the opening at the top.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You shouldn't go about rearranging the landscape like that.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You pull at the star, jamming its points more tightly against several rough projectiles down inside the crack.

You can't get your fingers into the crack. The star is in the way.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You poke a shimmering gold star.

You can't reach that from here.

You stick your tongue out at a shimmering gold star.

You turn the star, forcing one of its points beneath a projectile inside the crack and jamming it more tightly in the narrow space.

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You spit at a shimmering gold star.

You shouldn't go about rearranging the landscape like that.

What did you want to roll?

You shouldn't go about rearranging the landscape like that.

You notice nothing unusual about the crack.

You pull at a crack.

You poke a crack.

I don't understand what you typed.

You can't reach that from here.

You stand up.

You can't reach that from here.

You'll have to get down a bit closer than that.

You kneel down upon the ground.

You shift your legs around until you are in a sitting position.

You kneel.

You shift your legs around until you are in a sitting position.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You yank at the star but its points are twisted at an angle to the crack, preventing it from fitting through the opening at the top.

You can't twist that.

You kneel.

You shove at the star pushing it deeper into the crack!

You push the star back a bit, allowing you to slip your fingers into the crack.

You pull gently on the star, raising it up slightly in the crack to where you can get a better grip on it.

You carefully turn the star, shifting one of its points away from a rough projectile deep inside the crack.

You carefully twist the star until it is lined up perfectly parallel to the opening of the crack.

You stick your fingers into the crack…

You lift the star from the crack!


You have found the Hero's Star!
All of Athens shall salute you!

(Please type ASSIST CONFIRM to enter the queue to speak to a GameMaster about claiming your prize.)

* Vaftel just found the Hero's Star! *

You stand up.

Brave Adventurers Questing:
Talrum Willow Redonia Agrimony
Sunder Tobin Hollowell Vaage
Supa Angelia Iardanus Mox
Kraaze Garrock Invictus Tirith
Sabin Vaftel
Active Players: 18

Staff on duty:

SEND[Zephyra] Congratulations! We've been holding our breath!

Your request has been sent to the GM's currently onduty.
You are number 1 in the Premium User queue.
You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by typing ASSIST CANCEL.

SEND[Puzzle] Yes, and I'm blue.

You ask, "Blue?"

SEND[Kyna] Congratulations! ;)

* Host Hollowell is here to answer your assist. *

Hollowell says, "good mornin"

You smile at Hollowell.

You say, "Hi there"

Hollowell asks, "what can I do for ya Vaftel?"

You wave your gold star around.

You grin at Hollowell.

Hollowell says, "very nice star"

You say, "Thanks"

You ask, "So what do I do with it now?"

Hollowell asks, "Do with what?"

Hollowell stares at his surroundings.

You point at a shimmering gold star.

You chuckle.

Hollowell whistles tunelessly to himself.

You pout at Hollowell.

Hollowell furrows his brow.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: Host Hollowell.
Obvious paths: southeast.

A large circle of roiling blackness streaked with whirling yellows opens up in front of you and GameMaster Obscuros steps through. The circle vanishes with a loud, lingering wail.

Obscuros grins.

Hollowell asks, "what would you like to do with it?"

Hollowell says, "good mornin Obscuros"

Hollowell smiles.

Obscuros says, "Congrats :)"

Hollowell bows.

You wave at Obscuros.

Obscuros bows to Hollowell.

You say, "Thanks"

Hollowell says, "afraid I've never heard of hero stars myself"

Hollowell whistles tunelessly to himself.

Puzzle appears in a swirl of silvery mist.

Hollowell removes some rich hazelnut coffee from his belt pouch.

A sleek owl glides into view, sunlight glinting off its feathers. It hovers before you, a friendly light shining within its dark grey eyes. In moments, the owl is surrounded by a soft golden light that brightens with sudden intensity before disappearing. When you are able to see again, GameMaster Zephyra stands before you.

You chuckle.

Hollowell bows to Puzzle.

Puzzle grins.

Hollowell says, "oh boy"

A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a female Human before resolving into Melosyne herself.
Obscuros says, "Hold on to it for now. Write to hx-feedback and say you've found it :)"

Zephyra gives you a smooch.

You exclaim, "Wow!"

Melosyne stands up.

Kyna curtsies to you.

Hollowell says, "lots of company"

Kyna hugs you.

Melosyne looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!
Kyna exclaims, "congrats!"

Puzzle hugs you.

Zephyra exclaims, "Couldn't have happened to a nicer person…unless it were me!"

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: Assistant GameMaster Melosyne, GameMaster Kyna, GameMaster Zephyra, Onduty GameMaster Obscuros, Host Hollowell and GameMaster Puzzle.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Kyna gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Zephyra beams at you!

Obscuros chuckles at Zephyra.

Hollowell chuckles.

You tickle Zephyra.

Puzzle says, "Major congratulations."

Kyna tickles Zephyra.

You exclaim, "Thanks, everyone!"

Puzzle asks, "so, how tough was the puzzle?"

You beam!

Puzzle raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Hollowell says, "I'm puzzled"

Melosyne exclaims, "You worked hard for this one, Vaftel! Congrats!"

Hollowell grins.

Zephyra says, "We can't wake Alpha…but I'm sure she'll be after you like butter on toast."

Kyna laughs!

You say, "well, I never would have found it until I read the sign saying to look near the outer wall"

Puzzle chuckles.

You grin.

You whistle tunelessly to yourself.

Hollowell says, "I knew I should have taken that sign down"

Obscuros says, "news 13, Hollowell :)"

Hollowell says, "ah, thanks"
news 13


We want to put your character's name in lights!

You love the TV shows, you play the game - now we've got an exciting way to bring them even closer! Find the golden star that's hidden somewhere in the lands and your character will be catapulted to instant fame - with a mention on either Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess! If you've ever dreamed of being on TV - this is your chance. Don't fret if you're new to the game - the golden star is in a spot where anyone can find it, regardless of level.

The first person to find the hidden golden star will have their character's name mentioned on a future episode of either Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess. The character name must be appropriate to the time period and is subject to approval by Simutronics Corp.

IMPORTANT RULE: Trial accounts will need to convert to a paid account in order to be eligible to win this contest.

Good luck! The newest star could be YOU!


Kyna says, "Someone wanted to use it for their fireplaces."

Puzzle says, "Hang on to it and write to feedback Vaftel, they'll tell you what to do next."

You grin at Puzzle.

You do a little happy dance.

Zephyra applauds you!

Zephyra exclaims, "This is too exciting!"

You nod to Zephyra.

You nod to Zephyra.

Hollowell says, "great idea"
You nod to Zephyra.

Hollowell exclaims, "congrats Vaftel!"

Obscuros says, "So, moc.scinortumis|kcabdeefxh#moc.scinortumis|kcabdeefxh :)"

You nod to Obscuros.

You say, "I can do that right now…"

Hollowell says, "glad it was you"

Obscuros says, "Take care :)"

Puzzle says, "Feel free to show the star off in the meantime."

Obscuros waves.

Zephyra says, "Now go celebrate with your buddies here."

Hollowell says, "could think of much worse names"

GameMaster Obscuros smiles at you. A large circle of roiling blackness streaked with charged yellows opens up in front of him and he steps through, disappearing from sight. The circle collapses with a lingering howl.

You chuckle at Puzzle.
Hollowell whistles tunelessly to himself.

Zephyra hugs you.

Melosyne beams at you!

You hug Zephyra.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: Assistant GameMaster Melosyne, GameMaster Kyna, GameMaster Zephyra, Host Hollowell and GameMaster Puzzle.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Kyna grins.

Kyna hugs you.

You hug Kyna.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: Assistant GameMaster Melosyne, GameMaster Kyna, GameMaster Zephyra, Host Hollowell and GameMaster Puzzle.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Kyna exclaims, "A hero indeed!"

Kyna curtsies to you.

You smile at Kyna.

Melosyne exclaims, "You've joined the tales of Athens' history, Vaftel. Bear it well!"

Melosyne winks at you.

You see Melosyne, a Human female.
She has long, wavy black hair that is loose, dark eyes, and olive skin.
She is not holding anything at the moment.
She is wearing a weatherbeaten shoulder satchel, a pair of dusty sandals, a deep red sleeveless tunic draped loosely from shoulder to knee, a coarsely wrought silver chain belt and a twisted silver torque clasped with a strange insignia.
She is in good health.

Tracing an intricate symbol into the air before her, Zephyra is surrounded by a golden light that glows with such intensity you are forced to look away for an instant. When you are able to focus your vision again, Zephyra is gone.

You hug Melosyne.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: Assistant GameMaster Melosyne, GameMaster Kyna, Host Hollowell and GameMaster Puzzle.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Puzzle says, "Congratulations again, I was starting to wonder if it'd ever get found."
Puzzle chuckles.

Melosyne hugs you.

Kyna waves at you.

Puzzle waves.

Melosyne waves.

You grin at Puzzle.

You wave.

Puzzle dissolves in a shower of silvery sparks.

Melosyne dissolves in a shower of golden sparks as she heads off.

[Athens, On Top of the Wall]
A raised buttress blocks the walkway here, preventing further travel to the northwest. The cart and foot traffic on the streets below kicks up a dusty grit that makes the area appear foggy.
Also here: GameMaster Kyna and Host Hollowell.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Kyna exclaims, "Go show it off for now, Vaftel, you deserve it!"

Kyna waves.

You chuckle at Kyna.

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